Constitutional law
‘Whatever overlap there may be between the exercise of executive and legislative powers, the separation between the exercise of judicial powers on the one hand and legislative and executive powers on the other is total or effectively so.’ DPP of Jamaica v Mollison [2003] UKPC 6 at para. 13 (Lord Bingham) Critically evaluate to what extent Lord Bingham accurately describes the extent of the separation of powers within the UK today.
Within your answer, ensure that you locate and apply at least one authority from statute or case law from the years 2020 or 2021 in support of your arguments regarding separation between each pair of branches of the state. For each authority located, comment on
The impact the authority should have on separation of powers;
The practical impact of that authority; and
Whether it promotes the aims of the doctrine of the separation of powers.
Word Limit – 2,000 words, excess words will not be given credit