Define the term PROCESS and describe the relationship between processes and process control blocks also specify the steps performed by an OS to create a new process.

QUESTION 1 : Define the term PROCESS and describe the relationship between processes and process control blocks also specify the steps performed by an OS to create a new process.

For question 2 and 3
Computer OS functions resembles a working Restaurant. In the case we are going to make OS and Restaurant analogy. Consider the below given parameters while working on the questions 2 and 3.

The parameters of the OS and Restaurant analogy.
CPU: The cook who prepares the food based given ingredient (data) and instructions
PROCESS: The food preparation. Customer wants a to have special food. Each food should be prepared based on customers need. Data and instructions
OPERATING SYSTEM: The rules of the restaurant. The restaurant should be run based on these rules. The waiter takes the orders from users (restaurant customers). And make sure all customers ordered was fulfilled
MAIN MEMORY: That keeps the customer orders (Data and Instructions) well organized .

Running: The process (the food order) that is currently being executed by CPU ( i.e. Cook)
Ready: A process that is prepared to execute when given the opportunity
Blocked/Waiting: A process that cannot execute until some event occurs,
New: A process that has just been created but has not yet been admitted to the pool of executable processes by the OS
The process was completed by the CPU,

QUESTION 2 : Develop State Process Model for this system. Your name should be on the diagram

QUESTION 3: There are four customers coming to the restaurant on Monday. All four orders food to eat in the restaurant . You should be developing process states for trace for the given cases below. This is going to be timeline for the cook ( i.e CPU )

Define the term PROCESS and describe the relationship between processes and process control blocks also specify the steps performed by an OS to create a new process.
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