Critically discuss the intersectionality of race, gender, age and class in the case study. Produce an essay document containing information regarding what is required – books chapters material.

Task: Produce an essay
Critically discuss the intersectionality of race, gender, age and class in the case study.
Word limit: 1500 words

Produce an essay document containing information regarding what is required – books chapters material, module material, and CASE STUDY.

CASE STUDY is located in a word document named: PAPER DETAILS PRODUCE AN ESSAY
Case study
Victor is a 22-year-old Black male of African origin from Nottingham. He is currently serving a five-year sentence for grevious bodily harm.
Write in accordance with what is required in section relevant material?

Command words
The main command word used in the essay title is ‘critically discuss’. This means that you should not just describe the socio-cultural factors and their intersection, but your essay should also contain critical evaluation of the research and theories introduced.

You can achieve that by showing an awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of the research that you introduce in your essay, or by questioning assumptions presented in the material.

Critically discuss the intersectionality of race, gender, age and class in the case study. Produce an essay document containing information regarding what is required – books chapters material.
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