What factors have influenced various depictions of Batman over the years, and what does this character’s evolution suggest about life in modern America?
For this essay, you might consider the following to help you develop a statement that answers the prompt (this is not a checklist, just some suggestions):
Historical, political, and/or economic forces that have shaped depictions of Batman
Batman’s reliance on (and relationship to) technology
Various iterations of the Batman narrative as reflections of America’s values and myths
Reconciling Batman’s mission & methods with society’s rules & expectations
Artists’ efforts to portray Batman in ways that appeal to both children and adults- Batman’s notion of justice and concepts like good & bad, virtue & vice, and right & wrong
The role of violence in Batman narratives, and/or reflections of race, class, and gender therein
How the aesthetic, dialog, and tone of Batman tales have changed over time
Be sure to draw on and parenthetically cite both the Batman: The War Years and Batman:
Year One texts (both of which contain primary sources), as well as at least one scholarly article (a secondary source) of your choice from those placed under Selected Scholarly Articles.
You are also free to reference any other content found elsewhere in our course if it helps you build a persuasive statement that answers the prompt.