Using Fox’s unitarist and pluralist frames of reference, critically analyse the idea that organisational members share the same values and objectives.

Fox’s Unitarism and Pluralism

Using Fox’s unitarist and pluralist frames of reference, critically analyse the idea that organisational members share the same values and objectives.

Illustrate your answer by discussing two topics from the module

Analyse the arguments for/against both unitarism and pluralism (not one or the other)

What does unitarism/pluralism look like for the chosen topic?

Does unitarism or pluralism provide a more convincing understanding
of organisational behaviour in each case?

Structure Example:

Topic 1 unitarism
Topic 2 unitarism
Topic 2 pluralism
Topic 2 pluraism


Provide a focussed response to the assignment brief.
Clearly base your answer around the frames of reference and topics discussed in the lectures.
Reference correctly.
Use academic literature to support your argument.
Illustrate you argument with examples taken from news stories

Using Fox’s unitarist and pluralist frames of reference, critically analyse the idea that organisational members share the same values and objectives.
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