The purpose of this assignment is to help you develop your Six Areas of Diversity
Consciousness, as discussed in Chapter Four of the Bucher book. Specifically, it is designed to help you examine yourself and your world, explore your knowledge of others and their worlds, step outside of yourself, and gauge the level of the playing field.
Template and Specific Instructions for your paper:
Students should use the bold items below as headings for the paper:
Give a brief introduction of the person(s) you chose to interview and why you chose that person. You should also describe in what way the person(s) you chose are from a different demographic group as you, using the course material to describe the different demographic identity groups.
Be sure to also explain why you chose someone from that particular group and what you hoped to learn from interviewing that particular person.
Analyze the results of your own answers and the answers of the person(s) you interviewed to in order to describe the differences and similarities of your experiences and viewpoints to another from a different demographic
Describe your thoughts and analysis of the difference and similarities between your answers to the questions and the answers of the person(s) you interviewed. Explain why, in your opinion, the answers are different or similar. Explain, in your opinion, how your and the other person’s dimension of diversity affect the answers and explain the similarities and differences.
Relation to Course Concepts Ties your explanations to the concepts in the class. How did the information from the questions relate to the course concepts or help you
Describe what learned about yourself, your world, and others and their worlds? How does what you learn help you develop your own cultural awareness and competency. Explain
You should conclude by explaining how what you have learned through this assignment will help you to understand cultural competency and the importance of diversity in the workplace. You should also identify strategies for increasing awareness of multiculturalism and personal and organizational cultural competence.
Length and format:
Your paper should be typed, double-space spaced, between paragraphs. The assignment will be graded on both the student’s reflections and the student’s writing in terms of grammar: sentence structure, punctuation, coherence, and spelling. The paper should be at least 4-7 pages in length, although you will not be penalized for a longer paper. Grammar and spelling do count as part of the grade.