Asset and Fund Management
Group Assignment:
This assignment is to be done in groups of 4 students (or 3 if a full group of 4 can’t be formed). It is worth 25% of the total mark available for this Module.
Choose ONE company or organisation in the National Audit Office Document on Moodle and analyse its real estate strategy and the extent to which this supports the overall strategy of the organization, or analyse what alternative working practices were introduced into the organization and how successful was the implementation.
There are 18 case studies CHOOSE ONE the Adult Learning Inspectorate, BAA, BP, BT, Cambridgeshire County Council, Department of Trade & Industry, Ernst & Young, GCHQ, Hertfordshire County Council, IBM, Norfolk County Council, PwC, Suffolk County Council, Sun Microsystems, Vodafone, TV Licensing Shared Service Centre, Transport for London Shared Service Centre, and Xansa Shared Service Centre.
Using what you have learned during this course in lectures 1-4 and prepare a PowerPoint presentation with a maximum of 10 slides.
The presentation uploaded to Moodle. Marks awarded for the content of the presentations and for your ability to communicate your analysis clearly.