Prepare your project in the form of statistical project for real or imaginary project of a certain organization selected by the group.


Prepare your project in the form of statistical project for real or imaginary project of a certain organization selected by the group.

This project should be adopted by the top management in order to predict for the next five years the performance of this organization in many priority directions based on the historical data for estimating the expected trends of main developments, in which it should be collected based on solid and available data base is relevant to the target period of this project.

This project should be supported to the planning the organizations’ objectives and its strategy at the long term. It must be based on creating a time series since10 years ago about past trends of its performance regarding the institutional development that were achieved in the main fields of this organization.

Thereby, this statistical project should cover, but not restricted to:
Organization description that is selected to implement your project “its founding, purpose, roles, vision, mission, and strategic objectives”

Title of the project with project description,
Project objectives and alignment with organizational strategy (SMART approach),
The potential financial status
The performance levels whether to the organization itself or to their individuals
The expected sales
The expected revenues and revenue growth percentage
The expected taxes growth rate
The total customers
International ranking for the organization
No of new jobs
No of employees
Trends of some competitiveness indicators bout the organization
No. of services
The % of Smart Services
The % of electronic transformation of the organization’s activities “Automation”
No. of Risks be addressed or closed.
No. of channels communication
The % of stakeholders’ satisfaction

The statistical project must be divided into phases, as follows:
Data collection: It should includes describing the target variables and preparing a coding map according to the nature of variables to be examined, the type of data scale, the cost of data collection “budget”, resources needed, the time frame for implementing the project, data tools and sources, population or sample size selected “if available” and the tests which will be suitable to achieve the objectives of the project.

Data classification: It should classify the historical data available using some of categorical or qualitative variables such as the type of customers or service or nationality or what it will be important to classify it according to the nature of your project. It should be necessary to descriptive the data or variables of this project.

Data presentation: It should focus on presenting the main characteristics of the data collected of this project based on some techniques of descriptive statistics such as the frequency tables of the categorical variables, charts, statistical measures “central tendency measures or dispersion measures”.

Data Analysis: It should use multi approaches of data analysis to achieve the objectives of the statistical work of this project. One of these important requirements that could predict the development’s trends of the organization for next 5 years based on the data of factors which be available since the10 years ago. As well as, in the beginning of the data analysis phase, you should extract the correlation matrix between each pair of your variables which will be targeted in the statistical project selected.

NB: These phases in above should be covered in the presentation by the slides as well.
Grading will take into consideration how your paper achieves course learning objectives:

1. Identify the statistical concepts and their applications in the fields of business and economics.

2. Apply appropriate statistical software to solve business problems.

3. Develop skills to implement statistical models and methods to solve practical problems.

4. Demonstrate valuable application of statistical analysis for effective managerial decision-making.


Prepare your project in the form of statistical project for real or imaginary project of a certain organization selected by the group.
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