How would you include community building into the public health work you do? How would you incorporate some of the community engagement techniques outlined in your text and lecture 14?

In preparation for this journal, you must have read Chapter 19 and watched all six videos in this week’s module and Lecture 14.

In your Journal here, reflect upon the following (It is okay to number your responses as this will help with grading):

What makes someone a leader? Summarize this in your own words. In addition, identify 2-3 personal qualities of a good leader and explain why you think these qualities are needed for leadership.

Do you have any interest in holding a leadership position at some point in your professional career? Why or why not?

Keep in mind that everyone can play a part in public health. It is just as important to have strong support systems as it is to have strong leadership. Identify 2-3 potential roles or jobs you could see yourself doing in the field of public health.

Regardless of your answer to 2, how would you include community building into the public health work you do? How would you incorporate some of the community engagement techniques outlined in your text and lecture 14?

Having watched the six videos, did any particular program, job, or institution featured resonate with you? Briefly summarize one of the videos that was interesting to you and explain why.

WHO: A global response to a global pandemic (2 minutes):

REACH NJ (1 minute):

CDC – Shirley Wynn (2 minutes):

CDC – Darlo Koldenhoven (2 minutes):

CDC – Heidi Pfeiffer (2 minutes):

Roots to Prevention (4 minutes):

Amazon on-campus homeless shelter (3 minutes):



How would you include community building into the public health work you do? How would you incorporate some of the community engagement techniques outlined in your text and lecture 14?
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