Do you think that Daniel Trent had prepared well for the negotiation? Your answer should contain at least TWO explanatory examples to illustrate what you say.

Scenario ‘Steve’s Bar and Grill a small family business’

Question 1
You are asked to write an evaluation of the negotiation between Gina Blair and Daniel Trent.

You must consider the following issues within your evaluation and give reasons for your answers.Use the following bullet points as headings in your

 Did Gina Blair and Daniel Trent have discernible negotiation styles?

Comment on their respective styles in your answer.

 Do you think that Gina Blair had prepared well for the negotiation? Your answer should contain at least TWO explanatory examples to illustrate what you say. If you do not think that she was well prepared, suggest how she could have improved her preparation.

Do you think that Daniel Trent had prepared well for the negotiation? Your answer should contain at least TWO explanatory examples to illustrate what you say.

If you do not think that he was well prepared, suggest how he could have improved his preparation.

Do you think that Gina Blair conducted the negotiation well? Give at least FIVE examples of things she did well and/or things she did less well.

Comment on her communication skills and whether she conducted the negotiation in a professional manner.

Do you think that Daniel Trent conducted the negotiation well? Give at least FIVE examples of things he did well and/or things he did less well.

Comment on his communication skills and whether he conducted the
negotiation in a professional manner.

As a guide, you should aim to answer Question 1 in 500 to 750 words (not
including the question).

Question 2
Comment on the choice of using the telephone as the mode of negotiation between Gina Blair and Daniel Trent. What are the other modes of negotiation?

Do you think that another mode of negotiation would have been more effective? Give reasons for your answers.

As a guide, you should aim to answer Question 2 in 200 to 250 words. (not including the question).

Question 3
This is a general question and is NOT related to the discussion between Gina Blair and Daniel Trent.

Using your own words, explain:
 what a negotiation plan is;

why it is useful to have such a plan; and

what types of matters (in general terms) would be included in it (give 5 examples).

As a guide, you should aim to answer Question 3 in 250 to 350 words (not
including the question).

Do you think that Daniel Trent had prepared well for the negotiation? Your answer should contain at least TWO explanatory examples to illustrate what you say.
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