Develop your annotated bibliography as you develop your prospectus.Use ProQuest or JSTORto find at least five high-quality articles that extend your knowledge of your area of interest.


Read peer-reviewed journal articles to begin your research. Begin to develop your annotated bibliography as you develop your prospectus.

Your area of research will be on some aspects of the use of quantitative methods in business management.

As part of your work, you will assess the statistical analyses used in the scholarly articles you select for your annotated bibliography, and then in the final paper. This is the first of three building-block assignments: prospectus , annotated bibliography of sources you expect to rely on, and the final paper, with peer review before the final version, is due.Those later assignments for details. (Use the OWL website at Purdue U. for APA (Links to an external site.)formatting questions.)

Use ProQuest or JSTORto find at least five high-quality articles that extend your knowledge of your area of interest. Turn in an academic prospectus in APA format for the planned research paper, about 3-5 pages.

A prospectus is a formal proposal of a research project developed to convince a reader (a professor or research committee, or later in life, a project coordinator, funding agency, or the like) that the research can be carried out and will yield worthwhile results. It should provide:

1.) A working title for your project, (MY TOPIC Choice: Systemic Wealth Gap in Michigan)
2.) A statement of your research question or issue,
3.) An overview of scholarship related to this topic or to this author,
4.)A brief summary of your research methods, and/or your theoretical approach.
[Include references you have so far.]
(Italics above copied from Wichita State Univ., downloaded 2 July 2020

Develop your annotated bibliography as you develop your prospectus.Use ProQuest or JSTORto find at least five high-quality articles that extend your knowledge of your area of interest.
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