What kind of argument they are making), the strengths and weakness of each reading, and what conclusions can be drawn from reading these two pieces together.

Comparing the Stereotypes


Holcombe and Woodside both go the great lengths to dispell stereotypes of East Asia as stagnant,unchanging, despotic societies.

Compare how each author does this (what type of evidence they use, what kind of argument they are making), the strengths and weakness of each reading, and what conclusions can be drawn from reading these two pieces together.


Your essay should be no less than 1,000 words. Because you are only comparing two texts, the only citiation necessary is last name and page number. [Ex. (Woodside, 35)].

Be sure to cite your papers thoroughly, which means each time your use a number, uncommon date, quote, or core claim from on of the authors.

Your paper should have a clear structure with an easily identifiable one-sentence thesis statement in the first paragraph and a brief concluscion paragraph summarizing your claims.

Your thesis should be more than X book was better than Y book. A successful paper with combine both authors’ work to make an original argument.

What kind of argument they are making), the strengths and weakness of each reading, and what conclusions can be drawn from reading these two pieces together.
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