“Gender was inextricably tied to the performative aspects of the body” (28). Do you agree or disagree with this assertion? In your response, focus on analyzing evidence from Stranger in a Shogun’s City.

Use evidence from the book Strangers in a Shogun City by Amy Stanley to illustrate the point of the paper.


Expressing an opinion and persuading others to see the validity of that opinion by marshalling evidence and crafting words is a necessary skill for participating in a society that values the open exchange of ideas. With that purpose in mind, students will compose a response to the texts we have read in Unit 1.

write a response of 500 to 750 words.
In her article on gender in pre-modern Japan, Rajyashree Pandey writes: “Gender was inextricably tied to the performative aspects of the body” (28). Do you agree or disagree with this assertion? In your response, focus on analyzing evidence from Stranger in a Shogun’s City.

Students’ writing will be evaluated on the following criteria:

Clarity of writing;
Organization at the level of the paper and paragraph;
Use of evidence;
Argumentation and analysis of evidence and;
Quality and originality

“Gender was inextricably tied to the performative aspects of the body” (28). Do you agree or disagree with this assertion? In your response, focus on analyzing evidence from Stranger in a Shogun’s City.
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