Critical analysis report
We are focusing on antibiotic treatment of bacterial infections and antibiotic resistance
How are these linked?
For your report, evaluate the reasons for antibiotic resistance and how this can be solved.
Some areas to explore are:
Outline and discuss the reasons of the following questions; why antibiotic resistance occurs.
The mechanisms that bacteria used to overcome antibiotics.
Why little progress has been made post 2000 to develop new antibiotics.
Strategies to overcome antibiotic resistance.
Issues faced if newer treatments are not developed.
Include specific examples to illustrate your points. The more you support statements with evidence from the primary literature, the more robust your points will be.
Expected word count is 2000 words (+ or – 10%).
You are free to include illustrative figures and to summarise data in tables/graphs (up to a maximum of 5).
A good, self-designed figure, table or graph, with a descriptive title and legend usually enhances a piece of writing and demonstrates your wider reading and understanding of the topic.
If you use a figure, table or graph from another source, be sure to reference it.
The reference list and figure headings/legends are not included in the word count.
cite all sources and produce a reference list, in Harvard Style.