Write a 1-2 paragraph biography of the person whose persona you are borrowing (make up that person– hence the phrase, Imaginary Poet).You must complete all three components on time to pass the examination


You have the following creative and critical option, which is based on Alan Michael Parker’s book, Imaginary Poets: write a poem from a persona you make up and analyze in the third person that poem as if you were not its writer. You must complete all three components on time to pass the examination: Document 1 pt. 1:

Write a persona poem of any length (non-graded; MLA format is not required). Write a 1-2 paragraph biography of the person whose persona you are borrowing (make up that person– hence the phrase, Imaginary Poet). Use at least the four-line MLA header, please. Document 2 pt. 2:

Write a third-person, driven interpretation of the poem with an intro, conclusion, and body (PEEEE in each body paragraph) without letting on that you are its “imaginary” author using New Criticism and/or a literary criticism reading. Use MLA format, include in-text citations with line numbers from the poem you wrote, and write 2-2.5 pages on this component alone.

Those analyses less 2 pages cannot earn an A or a B. The best papers will offer the effects of the literary devices their poems use and/or the effect of biographical context on your interpretation. You may not use an already-existing poem either one written by you or someone else. To do so would violate the Academic Honesty policy.You may not write a poem as yourself and then analyze it. That’s not what I’m asking for. Use the imagination: you can be anyone (made up), from any time, anywhere.

Write a 1-2 paragraph biography of the person whose persona you are borrowing (make up that person– hence the phrase, Imaginary Poet).You must complete all three components on time to pass the examination
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