What, if anything, can you identify as a common characteristic that allows this best practice to work across subjects?What are some unique best practices to each subject area? ● What are common best practices between those three subject areas?


In this journal entry you will reflect on best practices from the perspective of a teacher and that of an instructional leader.

Reflect on the best practices from a teacher’s perspective:

● What are some unique best practices to each subject area?

● What are common best practices between those three subject areas?

● Explain two unique best practices in each subject area.

● Explain a best practice that could be used in all three subjects areas of this module.

● What, if anything, can you identify as a common characteristic that allows this best practice to work across subjects?

Reflect on best practices from the perspective of an instructional leader:

● Name three ways that you would be able to use this information as an instructional leader to assist teachers and improve student


● Review the list of increases/decreases (pp. 127, 155, 241) for each subject area and select three increases from each that you would like to see teachers in your school to implement. Provide a brief explanation of why you would like these to be implemented. Then explain how you would present this information to your faculty and describe what benefits it would show over their current practice.

What, if anything, can you identify as a common characteristic that allows this best practice to work across subjects?What are some unique best practices to each subject area? ● What are common best practices between those three subject areas?
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