Discuss the encounter between the mother and young white male cop when he tells her about the two different water fountains symbolizing segregation.

Answer these questions thoroughly and utilize CORRECT GRAMMAR to answer each question

Dr. El-Kati once stated “History is not about the past. It is about the present”. From the film shown in class “American Son”, we discussed historical trauma and its impact on relationships with individuals from different ethnic backgrounds. Utilize your critical thinking skills and choose any two characters from the film who had different ethnic backgrounds and thoroughly describe an interaction where historical trauma negatively impacted that interaction. – 5 pts.
For this question, discuss the encounter between the mother and young white male cop when he tells her about the two different water fountains symbolizing segregation. Also address the line from the mother about “Sherman’s March to the Sea.” I believe this conversation was between the black mother and white father.
From the film shown in class “American Son”, we never see Jamal but, in many ways, he is the most important character.

What is the hierarchy of power between the characters and where do those power differences come from? (Hint: Consider “essentialism” and “social construction”) – 5 pts
Discuss also characters and their roles… Black Mother, White Father (FBI Agent), Young White Cop, Older Black Cop

Discuss the encounter between the mother and young white male cop when he tells her about the two different water fountains symbolizing segregation.
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