Address the three questions at the end of “Case 4.3” in the Northouse text. Specifically, address how you would apply James 2 in this situation.

Address the three questions at the end of “Case 4.3” in the Northouse text. Specifically, address how you would apply James 2 in this situation.

Requirements: Paper should be a minimum of two full pages of content, APA compliant, and addressing all of the questions in the prompt above. (NOTE: The title page and References page are not considered in the minimum length requirement

Northouse, P. G. (2019). Leadership: Theory and practice (8th ed.). Los Angeles, CA: SAGE.

Reading Assignments

 Chapter 3, “Skills Approach” (Northouse text)

 Chapter 4, “Behavioral Approach” (Northouse text)

 James 2

 Titus 1:7-14

Address the three questions at the end of “Case 4.3” in the Northouse text. Specifically, address how you would apply James 2 in this situation.
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