Describe why evidence for your argument is more substantial than evidence for the counter-argument(s).

You and your group developed an argument about a controversy in the field of mental health, while another group developed an opposition argument for the same controversy.

In this essay, you will write a final position paper that synthesizes the evidence from your group and the opposition group.

This is not simply a summary of your group’s argument. You should carefully consider the evidence on both sides of the controversy and use the cumulative evidence to develop a balanced argument that reflects your individual judgement. This essay should be approximately 750 words.

Criteria for Success:

Include an introductory paragraph that states your final position on the controversy and one or more reasons (arguments) for that position.

Summarize the evidence to support the arguments for your final position, citing specific research.

Summarize the evidence for arguments that conflict with your final position, citing specific research that supports these counter-arguments.
Describe why evidence for your argument is more substantial than evidence for the counter-argument(s).

Including a concluding paragraph that reiterates your arguments and describes the implications of your argument (e.g., policy proposals, new research directions, recommended standards for clinical intervention).
Include citations in the text in APA format (e.g., “Casement et al.”)

Include a reference list at the end of the paper in APA format (the reference list does not count toward the word limit).
Have good writing quality.

We are on the side of psilocybin SHOULD be used to treat mental illness.

Describe why evidence for your argument is more substantial than evidence for the counter-argument(s).
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