Discussion of Quorum Sensing and Its Importance in Etiology of Periodontal Diseases.

Discussion of Quorum Sensing and Its Importance in Etiology of Periodontal Diseases.

Quorum sensing (QS) illustrates the minimum threshold level of human cell mass needed to start a population. The term QS was initially labeled for the luminous aquatic bacterium, photo bacterium fischeri (Kalia, 2015). Based on Kenneth et al., they also viewed that the bacterium did not luminesce until it reached a greater population concentration.

These researchers deduced that autoinducers moved between the cells controlled bioluminescence in this bacterium (Sangeetha et al., 2020). The process occurred because the autoinduction was in reaction to one’s cultural supernatants.

The molecules’ probability could get into the objective cells and stimulate the genes’ expression is accountable for bioluminescence. This paper aims to look into the concept behind quorum sensing and its importance in periodontal infections’ etiology

Discussion of Quorum Sensing and Its Importance in Etiology of Periodontal Diseases.
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