Explain revenue and expenditure trends, fund balances and what the change in fund balance might mean to future requests for citizen services.

Review the included city budget spreadsheet below. As a city manager prepare an executive summary of hypothetical city budget.

Ensure to explain revenue and expenditure trends, fund balances and what the change in fund balance might mean to future requests for citizen services.

Provide at lease four charts or graphs to supplement material. Remember this document is meant to provide information to the city council and local citizens about city spending.

Review the budget revenues and expenditures, including their trends, to gain a more thorough understanding of how future year city services might be affected if these trends continue.

Explain in document any citizen involvement with the budget process, any requests for new funding of major projects and remember to provide an overview of the proposed capital budget (any projects that cost more than $25,000 and have a useful life of more than one year).

Explain revenue and expenditure trends, fund balances and what the change in fund balance might mean to future requests for citizen services.
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