Give a Social Stories for Treatment of Autism.

Give a Social Stories for Treatment of Autism

Treatment Brochure Assignment

This is your opportunity to look deeper into interventions that may be of interest to you and search the literature base regarding these interventions. You are to choose two specific interventions and create a treatment brochure for each one. The interventions you choose should have some common factor.

Examples of possible topics are listed below, but you are not limited to these topics. Each treatment brochure should be two pages of information and can be in any format you choose as long as you keep at least a consistent 12-point font (you can go smaller but not larger). Your references should be on a separate page and not included within the two-page

When creating your brochure, keep in mind that its purpose is for a parent or individual with autism to easily reference and learn about the strengths and limitations of two interventions that they are considering pursuing. Your brochures can also be intended for professionals to have easy access to information when deciding between treatments.

Each treatment brochure should contain the following information or address the following questions:
1. An overview of each intervention.
2. Who do we know the intervention works well with (i.e., what populations)?
3. Address whether there is literature to support its use with the ASD population (i.e., is
there research efficacy?)
4. Treatment feasibility, as discussed in previous modules of this course, should be
addressed for both interventions. Indicators of treatment feasibility include: treatment acceptability, demand for the services, treatment fidelity, practicality, adaptability, and integration
5. Generalizability of the intervention
6. What don’t we know yet about the intervention? What potential weaknesses do you
see in the intervention?

Give a Social Stories for Treatment of Autism.
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