X unit 46 assignment Verified
Grading criteria: Tutor Date To achieve a PASS grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to:
P5 apply unit rates to the bill of quantities and price preliminary items to make a commercial decision on the fmal tender sum To achieve a MERIT grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to:
M2 explain why different waste percentages are used in the calculation of unit rates.
1W explain how small errors within the unit rate calculations can lead to much larger errors in the final tender sum.
M4 assess the commercial and risk factors that need to be considered when completing a tender.
I I To achieve a DISTINCTION, grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to:
D1 evaluate the benefits of using standard and specialist software packages for estimating purposes.
D2 evaluate how different types of tender documentation and contract conditions affect the level of commercial risk.
I I Statement of Academic Honesty This work is entirely my own and I believe satisfies the assessment criteria above.
The words it contains are my words and, where it has been necessary to use someone else’s words, I have accurately attributed them to the writer or speaker who created them. Signed: Date:
NB Please leave all original work intact when submitting referred work. Provide additional work on extra sheets FEEDBACK- FS2 • Presentation
• Strengths • Areas for improvement
• Remedial action required
• Student feedback /comment