Demonstration of Proficiency Grading Rubric
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 1: Evaluate health policies, based on their ability to achieve desired outcomes.
Evaluate educational session outcomes in terms of progress made toward Healthy People 2020 goals and leading health indicators.
Competency 2: Integrate principles of social justice in community health interventions.
Evaluate educational session outcomes and the attainment of agreed-upon health goals in collaboration with participants.
Competency 3: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead health promotion and improve population health.
Present a health promotion plan to an individual or group within a community.
Organize content with clear purpose/goals and with relevant and evidence-based sources (published within 5 years).
Slides are easy to read and error free. Detailed audio and speaker notes are provided. Audio is clear, organized, and professionally presented.