Question 1: Evacuation Planning
Refer to the assigned text Emergency Planning (Perry & Lindell, 2007; p. 138) Table 5-2: List of Special Facilities for Evacuation Planning. Select 3 of the 9 Special Facility Categories (i.e.; Health, High-Density, Educational, etc.), and identify and describe potential challenges for emergency planners when developing evacuation plans for such facilities/communities.
Consider various planning concepts such as notifications, messaging, pets, special needs, transportation, sheltering, etc. Incorporate case studies, journal articles and other scholarly means where appropriate to support your work.
Question 2: IPAWS
Review the IPAWS Modernization Final Report from the FEMA National Advisory Council ( (Links to an external site.)):
-Analyze the recommendations and identify the importance of the recommendations and their genesis.
-Discuss their relevance in today’s complex environment.
-How will these recommendations improve the IPAWS mission?
-Are these recommendations feasible and what are the possible challenges with implementing?
-Are there any other recommendations/considerations for the success of the IPAWS mission?
Incorporate case studies, journal articles, and other scholarly means where appropriate to support your work.