How likely is the highlighted object to be found within this scene?
Study 2- NORMING
This is T-Test wich is experimenal.
It’s experimental within participant study, i.e. paired t-test. We have IV(independent variable) and DV(dependent variable). We have experimental group-object semantic(consistent,inconsistent) and control group-object(left,right).
Aim of norming study: To develop a database of naturalistic scenes that covers low level and high level visual properties.
Rational for norming study: No database for naturalistic scenes both low level and high level visual properties exists and the results from the current databases studying visual propertied are controversial.
– MATERIAL: 165 naturalistic scenes(i.e. photographs) of 7 in-door scenarios(e.g. a bedroom), where the target object is either consistent(e.g, a lamp) or inconsistent(e.g. a pot) with the context of the scene; and its location counterbalanced(left and right).