Why are health care costs rising so rapidly?

The first phase of your consulting assignment is to respond to the president with a detailed answer to each of his three questions.
Why are health care costs rising so rapidly? (23 points)
What can Apex do to control costs? (23 points)
What guarantee of success is HRG willing to make to Apex? (24 points)

Use material from the text and outside readings to help you formulate your responses.

You may want to search the Internet for additional background information and statistics on the rising cost of health care. Use APA style when citing sources. Be particularly careful when considering the third question.

Your response may well determine whether you get the business, but the overriding question is whether you can ethically guarantee results. Try to be creative as you come up with ways that both HRG and Apex can come out winners in this project.

Congratulations! Your responses to the President of Apex have helped him to understand the complexity of health care issues in America.

He now sees that it is very difficult for any single employer to combat effectively the systemic causes of rising health care costs. He also realizes the inability of his internal staff to address the problems and, therefore, reluctantly agrees to the project.

Why are health care costs rising so rapidly?
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