What were Mahan’s views on ‘maritime strategy’? What did he mean by “Sea Power”? How could one use Sea Power to take “Command the of Sea”?
How did Corbett’s s views on maritime strategy differ from those of Mahan? How were his views on Sea power & Command of the Sea more nuanced?
Explain why did Corbett believe that maritime conflict was always limited war? What myriad uses could Sea Power according to his views? How did he conceive sea & land power to be connected?
Who’s ideas on the nature of maritime strategy and sea power – Mahan or Corbett’s – were more accurate and why? Who’s views proved more influential in the first half of the twentieth century and why?
For the other half page, “There is a file in my file, which has two essays about the same questions, I want you to reply to each of them in three to six sentences. Make sure that your answers contribute to the class discussion. Your comment will be evaluated based on the quality of arguments used in it. “I agree”, “Good post”, “Cool stuff!”
The books we use for the course, in case if you need it are:
1-Roots of Strategy Book 1 edited by Brig. Gen. T.R. Phillips
2-Roots of Strategy Book 4 edited by David Jablonsky
3-Makers of Modern Strategy edited by Peter Paret