Discuss the specific research method that might work best for collecting data for your topic. Why do you think this is the best choice?

(APA 7th edition)Take a topic that you would like to study (Gender Equality). Consider the four combinations of worldviews, designs, and research methods in Figure 1.1 (of chapter 1) and design a response that has five sections with bold headers that say: Topic Statement, Worldview, Design, Method, Purpose Statement. Next, address the following in each section:

Topic Statement

Discuss your topic and why it is of interest to you. Think of ways you can write this without using words, such as “I”, “me”, “we”….it’s okay if you’re not great at this starting off.


What worldview underpins your topic and decisions? Provide a source-supported explanation.


Discuss your design selection – do you think you’ll gravitate toward qualitative or quantitative? What about your topic might lend itself to one over the other? Cite sources in this section to support your decision/s.


Discuss the specific research method that might work best for collecting data for your topic. Why do you think this is the best choice?

Purpose Statement

Take a stab at writing your purpose statement (based on information gained in Ch. 6)

Keep in mind: You won’t really know your design or method until you craft your research questions, you can have ideas floating around. It’s OKAY if you aren’t totally sure on any of this yet (we’re only in Week 2), but the only way to learn research is to dive into the deep end of the pool.

Your classmates may have ideas to help you. Do your best not to leave any section blank. You should type this in essay form – double spaced – just as you would a paper (I prefer that because this is the first part of your proposal). This should have in-text citations and references at the end. Get in the habit, now, of honing your writing skills.

Discuss the specific research method that might work best for collecting data for your topic. Why do you think this is the best choice?
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