Discuss how worldview influences this particular organization and its organizational members.

Reread the writing guidelines
Write a 1500-word paper (±10%) that discusses the following organizational concepts:

Organizational mission: the organizations mission and purpose, stated in terms of benefits to customers, employees, and society

Organizational structure: the organizations structure to best support the stated purpose
Organizational contingency: environmental factors that will create the greatest impact on the organization

Leadership contingency: the type of leader that this organization will need (style, trait, skills, etc.)
Worldview: Discuss how worldview influences this particular organization and its organizational members.

Additional notes: If possible use an actual organization you know and have access to. If not, a general discussion of the concepts and their interdependence is acceptable.

Would is be possible for you to use the company VDH? Virginia health department

Discuss how worldview influences this particular organization and its organizational members.
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