Day: March 14, 2021

How do Netflix and Spotify make use of the long-tail and what impact does it have on consumers, artists, and the companies?

Explain the Long-Tail portion of the media distribution curve. How do Netflix and Spotify make use of the long-tail and what impact does it have on consumers, artists, and the companies? List all sources you used to complete this essay.    

Critically discuss the Feminist theory or view on the causes of poverty.

Assignment #5: Poverty: Answer all questions and always support your responses with evidence. Having now understood some of the conceptual tools (vocabulary) we need for our course, we move on to the study of poverty. In this lecture, we want to develop an understanding of the various definitions of poverty and also see if we […]

Write a 300 to 500-word letter to your employer’s HR department outlining why they should not cancel the internship.

• Write a 300 to 500-word letter to your employer’s HR department outlining why they should not cancel the internship; • Be persuasive. Convince HR of the importance of having the intern program renewed; • Choose the best approach (direct or indirect) for a letter of this nature; • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of […]

Describe your ideas on the methodology of acquiring the site permitting time for you to obtain planning consent.

Acquisition of the siteQuestion: Describe your ideas on the methodology of acquiring the site permitting time for you to obtain planning consent. Comment on the risk of acquisition and risk mitigation or passing the risk to another party. Will you buy the site in stages, how and why

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