Essay Titles and Instructions SP1i1 2020-21
Assessed essay in English (1500-2000 words, 40% of overall grade for the module)
You must submit your essay electronically (via Turnitin) BEFORE each deadline. You can find the submission link on Blackboard (in Assignments > Essay).
You MUST submit the essay for BOTH deadlines.
Further details:
The essay will be conducted in two stages. Students will submit their essay in week 11 of Autumn Term (8/12/20) for formative feedback, which you will receive just before the start of the Spring Term. Please note you will not receive a mark at this stage.
Students will then be required to redraft and improve their essays, taking into account the tutor feedback, and resubmit for summative assessment in week 5 of Spring Term (9/2/21).
You are therefore writing one essay and improving it between the two deadlines, so you need to choose just ONE question below.
This two-stage process is essential to enable you to complete another assessment for this module: the reflective commentary. If you do not submit the formative stage you will receive a 0 for the reflective commentary.
University deadlines are strict and extensions are only granted in exceptional circumstances. Please discuss your circumstances with the Student Support Centre before the deadline.
Choose ONE of the following essay questions:
1. Columbus in the New World
How is the process of colonisation characterised in Columbus’ diaries and how can we critique this perspective?
2. Bartolomé de las Casas
How does Bartolomé de las Casas construct his critique of Spanish colonial rule in the Brevísima relación de la destruición de las Indias and what was the historical significance of this document?