Compose and submit an analytic examination of an element of either Guy Delisle’s Pyongyang or Zadie Smith’s White Teeth.

Compose and submit an analytic examination of an element of either Guy Delisle’s Pyongyang or Zadie Smith’s White Teeth.

A student struggles to write an essay as a loading bar circles on the page

Choose the piece that interests you most and investigate it further. This compact essay (target of 750 words) might focus on elements of fiction such as character, theme, or symbolism; a closely-related news item or tidbit of information you’ve recently read; or anything else you find particularly striking–so long as your work is a critical interpretation of a text, which is representative of your analytic thinking.

This analytic essay should:

open with an introduction that catches the reader’s attention, provides context for understanding your position, and culminates in the thesis statement expound on the thesis using multiple body paragraphs to provide details that help the reader understand your position

conclude satisfactorily, with what might be a lesson learned, or concluding argument, but is never a summation of the whole essay

adhere to the Written Assignment Formatting Guidelines


Long or block quotes

First- and second-person pronouns

Over-reliance on plot summary

Analytic Essay Rubric (Links to an external site.) (pdf via Drive):

Thesis Statement & Development: 30%

Analysis & Organization: 30%

Synthesis of Sources: 10%

Writing Style: 10%

Grammar, Mechanics, & Punctuation: 10%

MLA Documentation & Document Formatting: 10%


Compose and submit an analytic examination of an element of either Guy Delisle’s Pyongyang or Zadie Smith’s White Teeth.
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