What inferential test have you chosen to determine the statistical significance?

Task:Data cleaning and descriptive analysis of collated class data. (instructions and details of assessment attached as word doc “Assessment Task 1 Part 2 instructions and details”).

You will choose one of 4 available research questions to answer (Attached is pdf “Research Questions DTN304” to select question from).

You must import and use SPSS to complete cleaning and data analysis of collated data collected in the Assessment 1: P1 Data Collection task to address your chosen question. (Excel spreadsheet for data attached as “Total dataset”).

You will need to use the experience gained through Module 3 (specifically the SPSS tutorials) to import and sort (clean) the whole class data in SPSS.

You will then run descriptive analysis to check the normality of the distribution, describe the demographic characteristics of the sample and provide summary statistics.

Finally, you will describe your planed inferential analysis to be able to report on the outcome of your research question (e.g. are there statistically significant differences or associations?)

Format: Written document submission, using the supplied Word document template. (attached as “DTN304 Data cleaning and analysis template SP4”).

Guidelines for this assessment task:

Choose one of the research questions

Follow the supplied template

Your submission should be a brief summary of the data cleaning and data analysis you’ve done. Maximum total length is 6 pages

Refer to the marking rubric for expected detail for each section

Make sure you title your document and include your student number. Use this format:





These tips may help you determine what you need to include

Data cleaning tips

You need to show that you’ve checked all the data for errors and made decisions about what to do with data that has errors in it. For example, are there obvious errors in things like height or weight?

If you’ve created a new variable, tell me what it is and why. For example, if your question is about fruit or vegetable intake, you’ll need to make a decision about which data you use. Are you using the serves per day data? The days per week data? Why? Or are you making a new variable to try and capture weekly serves? How did you do this?

Descriptive analysis tips

You need to show that you’ve checked the distribution of the continuous variables that are relevant to the question you’ve chosen. Having the histograms for these will help when you come to deciding what inferential tests to run. For example, if your data is non-parametric, you won’t be able to choose a parametric inferential test. You may include your histograms as pictures/attachments in the SPSS output section

Report the summary statistics (mean and standard deviation OR median and interquartile range)

Presentation of analysis results 1 tips

This should include demographics table to show the relevant information and summary statistics for the sample (e.g. range, mean, SD/ median, IQR for things like age, height etc).

If you choose to use graphs, you may include them here

Planned Inferential analysis tips

What inferential test have you chosen to determine the statistical significance?

Is this a test of differences, or relationships?

Does this match your question?

Formatting and originality tips

Format the sections according to these headings and the sections of the marking rubric (attached is marking rubric labelled “DTN304 Assessment Task 1 Data cleaning and descriptive analysis marking rubric SP4”).

Use APA 6th referencing style for any sections that you have done

I have also attached an example from a student from a previous semester we were given. (“DataCleaningandAnalysis.”)

What inferential test have you chosen to determine the statistical significance?
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