What can be done to be more aware of fake news and how to not accept everything presented in front of you immediately.

Fake news- a reflective report based upon the below links



Refer to the above about what I have learned about fake news/misinformation.

(The information, you know, we see something on there most of the time the information that we view already agrees with views we have because the information that is presented to us is based on our previous likes and clicks and all of that anyway. That in itself is problematic because it does not present us with the whole picture on any topic.

And if we only see one side of the story or whatever it is all of the time we begin to believe that that is all of the information that we have. But we come across information, it makes us feel emotional, we get upset about it, we think other people should have this information, So, we share it, we like it, we send it to all of our friends and family and then it just, the cycle just continues.)- and a view that relates to this about

Also what can be done to be more aware of fake news and how to not accept everything presented in front of you immediately

What can be done to be more aware of fake news and how to not accept everything presented in front of you immediately.
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