What does it mean to Schrödinger to consider life as the product of physical laws?

1. Who was Erwin Schrödinger? What was happening in Europe in 1944? Why are this particular person’s thoughts on biology and life at that particular time unusually interesting, historically?

2. What does it mean to Schrödinger to consider life as the product of physical laws? To answer this question, you must first consider his definition of a “physical law,” and then consider his definition of “life.” The optional chapters 3 and 6 could help you answer these questions.

3. Do you think life can be fully explained by physical principles? Moreover, do you think human consciousness and behavior are so distinct from other biological phenomena that they require separate explanations from those that explain the rest of life (whether those explanations be fully physical or uniquely biological)? What does Schrödinger think about these questions? What is his view of “free will” as a physical phenomenon, and do you agree?

What does it mean to Schrödinger to consider life as the product of physical laws?
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