Compare Citizen’s arrest authorities to those of Peace Officer’s arrest authorities.

Purpose: To compare Citizen’s arrest authorities to those of Peace Officer’s arrest authorities.

Method: Create (2) scenarios (one for citizens & one for peace officers).

In each scenario clearly describe a criminal offense and clearly explain the correct arrest authority.

Be sure to quote the:

An exact criminal offence committed (including section and sub-section from the Criminal Code of Canada) AND

Correct arrest authority (including section and sub-section from the Criminal Code of Canada).

Explain why the authority applies in your scenario.

Format: Be sure to use your own words and do not cut and paste as I will know. APA formatting is not required; but please use 12 pt. font. Your submission should be 300-400 words. Do not exceed 500 words.

Grade out of 15 marks:

Spelling / Grammar – 2 marks

Formatting – 3 marks

Proper Sentence Structure / Professional Language

Citizen Arrest Scenario – 5 marks

The scenario is realistic, detailed, correct offence section and arrest authorities

Peace Officer Arrest Scenario – 5 marks

The scenario is realistic, detailed, correct offence section and arrest authorities


Compare Citizen’s arrest authorities to those of Peace Officer’s arrest authorities.
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