Please research about the 1920’s organized crime.

Please research about the 1920’s organized crime I need 3 sources with a separate page for citations as well as citations included in the essay itself. I attached the instructions for a better understanding.

Students will work to compose an essay that highlights various aspects of the 1920s in America (The Jazz Age).

This is an individual assignment with the same criteria as the essay (two sources/research/CEC format/parenthetical citations/Works Cited page).

Students will use MLA research methods to insert two factual elements into their essays. The essays will conclude with a Works Cited page which lists all resources used.

Project Goal:

Because most people in school today were not living during the 1920s, much of the information for this project will come from research.

Individual Responsibilities:

choose one of the following topics:

• prohibition
• trends of the 1920s (dance, fashion, entertainment, movie industry, sports)
• the automobile
• famous people
• jazz music
• organized crime
• The Lost Generation

The essays must include factual information that is obtained through research. This information must use parenthetical documentation. Further, the individual must submit a correctly formatted Works Cited page.

Essays submitted without all of the requirements–essay, works cited page, three sources–will not receive full credit in grading.

Please research about the 1920’s organized crime.
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