Scenario and activity:You are expected to submit a business report in an appropriate format and style.
Thesections produced for draft 2 shall be included in the final report.Your report will demonstrate an understanding of the research project and theimplications it may have for your business client
. You will achieve this through a rigorousdiscussion of your research questions, amid a strong contextual background that framesthe research problem and a robust literature review that theoretically underpins yourwork.You shall
1)develop a report that provides valid and justified recommendations for thebusiness organisation based on the analysis of both the primary and secondary research (integrate your findings and analysis from task 2 into this document)
;2)communicate the research outcomes in an appropriate manner for your businessclient including visual illustrations, demonstrating how the outcomes meet theresearch objectives and making justified recommendations supported by criticalanalysis
;3)critically reflect on the effectiveness of research methods applied for meetingobjectives of your research project including lessons learnt and alternative methodologies;
4)recommend actions for future improvement and considerations for futureresearch