Provide concrete advantages and disadvantages of using qualitative software programs in general.

For this week’s assignment, imagine you are a new faculty member in a large university psychology department. You need to develop an essay to your dean on the benefits and disadvantages of purchasing a qualitative software program by the department. You will use the topic of your interest (My topic-resiliency of English learners in learning) as the basis for your examples in this essay.
1. Describe the software program of interest to you.
2. Provide concrete advantages and disadvantages of using qualitative software programs in general.
3. Include information that reflects the merits and drawbacks of the particular software program that is of interest to you.
4. Include information that reflects the merits and drawbacks of manual analysis.
5. Provide a recommendation to the dean on whether or not a software program would be beneficial and effective or whether researchers in the department should use manual analysis.

Provide concrete advantages and disadvantages of using qualitative software programs in general.
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