Referring to the primary articles, evaluate what type of leadership is needed in a business world facing significant disruption and re-evaluating its purpose?

Referring to the primary articles, evaluate what type of leadership is needed in a business world facing significant disruption and re-evaluating its purpose?

I was going through the notes that I made for week 10 on the specific leadership styles and on the slide about narcissistic leadership she links to an article which is called leader narcissism and outcomes in organizations and reviews of multiple levels of analysis and future implications for research. So, if you need an article to read then there is this one, however it is long it talks about how narcissists have actually performed in a business environment

Being an ethical leader will mean that they will struggle to make a lot of difficult decisions within a workplace environment, such as laying off staff and would view that as a last resort. Whereas it is seen as positive thing to do with other leaders as it could potentially lead to reductions in costs.

Referring to the primary articles, evaluate what type of leadership is needed in a business world facing significant disruption and re-evaluating its purpose?
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