Year: 2020

Are the independent, dependent, and control variables clear and appropriate?

Below is the instructions for the Lab Report from Professor. Also attached is a pdf with the formatting that i am assuming she wants. Please let me know if more info is needed and i can get it for you. This week you are designing, carrying out, and writing up your own physics experiment! will […]

Write a small claims court research Paper

Write a Small Claims Court Paper Hello writer, you have helped me to write a lot of homework this semester, please combine the homework you helped me to write to complete this assignment. My teacher didn’t give detailed requirements. Business Law Today: Texts and Summarized Cases, The Essentials, 11th Edition, Miller (this is textbook)

Define and explain nursing informatics and highlight the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker.

Explain the concept of a knowledge worker. Define and explain nursing informatics and highlight the role of a nurse leader as a knowledge worker. Include one slide that visually represents the role of a nurse leader as knowledge worker. Your PowerPoint should Include the hypothetical scenario you originally shared in the Discussion Forum. Include your […]

Why are they so different in their approach to such work?  See 70 Years of Making

Choosing two  craftsperson’s whose work was created between 1940 and 2020 discuss what influenced their theme  (an event: historically, envirnmentally, generationally, stylistically etc) and use of materials they chose to work with. Why are they so different in their approach to such work?  See 70 Years of Making

Discuss two wood workers that have done so, their machinery and style of product they produce.

George and Mira Nackashima have become well known for their contemporary style of working with wood. George felt each tree had a soul that dictated his style and decision to what would be created. Other woodworkers feel similarly but have discovered through the use of machinery and technique a unique style of their own. Discuss […]

Compare your idea to the multiple ways fiber artists have told a story it to one of the various quilters or fiber craft persons we’ve seen this semester

Faith Ringgold was a quilter who also painted, embroidered imagery into her quilts. If you were to create a story quilt, what story might it tell, what materials would you use and how would you use them? Compare your idea to the multiple ways fiber artists have told a story it to one of the […]

Develop an Emerging Theoretical Orientation Paper, Postmodern Approaches

•ACTUAL COURSE DISCIPLINE: Theories of Counseling •Focus of this paper is centered around the chosen theory: POSTMODERN APPROACHES •I’ve uploaded the screen shot for the paper details. •Please follow the directions specifically and accurately. •Single spaced •TEXTBOOK REQUIRED: THEORY AND PRACTICE OF COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY (CHAPTER 13)

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