Month: December 2020

Many people in minority groups, including African Americans,Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americans,do not invest. What exploratory research can be done todevelop business with these minority markets?

Module 8 Signature AssignmentThe Signature Assignment for this course will be a 8-10 page essay(excluding cover page and references). You should use a minimum of7-8 academic sources in your Signature Assignment. Objective: The objective of this assignment is to continue to build onthe research you started in the Case Assignment to develop acomplete Marketing Research […]

To what extent do you agree with Lord Toulson’s remark about the evolution of the duty of care?

Speaking about the duty of care in Michael and Others v Chief Constable of South Wales Police and Another [2015] UKSC 2, Lord Toulson remarked that ‘[f]rom time to time the courts have looked for some universal formula or yardstick [for determining whether a duty of care is owed], but the quest has been elusive’ […]

How can the study of modern Japanese literature help us address one or more of the following concepts: modernity, nationalism, imperialism, colonialism, globalization?

Answer this question: How can the study of modern Japanese literature help us address one or more of the following concepts: modernity, nationalism, imperialism, colonialism, globalization? Studying modern Japanese literature can help one to identify concepts such as….. (choose one or more of the above) Include a reflection How your work addressed the question What […]

Plan and employ formative assessment strategies and evaluating their potential impact on children’s learning and progress

Planning for and employing formative assessment strategies and evaluating their potential impact on children’s learning and progress in (your chosen subject) i. an ability to make effective use of a range of potential learning environments to support teaching and learning; ii. skill and imagination in selecting and adapting the learning environment to match the needs […]

Discus the UNCITRAL Model Law

The examination will contribute amaximum of 100% of your finalmark • You should answer this examination on the basis of the Model Law and UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules.  However, where achange in the law has occurred within the last six months, answers on the basis of the law inforce six months priortothis examination will be accepted. […]

“Is ‘e-voting’ a viable and sustainable option to use for UK Government elections rather than the current paper-based system?”

Seems that online voting for Government elections would present a straightforward solution to the problems many countries face with low voter turnout, manual errors in the physical counting of votes and relying on the postal system for overseas nationals. Since the turn of the century, many highly advanced, populated countries have embraced e-voting. Most European […]

Critically review motivational Theories in Education and examine how these are achieved in the International Baccaleurate Diploma Programme drawing upon educational practice based on my own experience.

Critically review motivational Theories in Education and examine how these are achieved in the International Baccaleurate Diploma Programme drawing upon educational practice based on my own experience. The assignment task: A critical analysis of an educational issue related to learners and learning (5000 words) Drawing on your professional experience of learners and learning and / […]

Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.

Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma-anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale.

Illustrate your argument against Loveman’s critiques using evidence from both texts

Make an argument that analyzes the compatibility or conflict between Eduardo Bonilla Silva’s (EBS) “racialized social systems” approach to identity conflict and the constructivist approach to identity conflict as articulated by Kanchan Chandra (“Cumulative Findings in the Study of Ethnic Politics”), and/or Mara Loveman (“Is ‘Race’ Essential?”), and/or Rogers Brubaker (Ethnicity without Groups). Use evidence […]

Drawing from the relevant readings, explain how Collins and Go make this argument in their respective works.

The writers in the fourth unit of the course develop a critical perspective towards sociology itself, asking how sociological theory and researchare shaped by systems of racial and gender inequality in U.S. society. In particular, Patricia Hill Collins and Julian Go assert that the dominance of Euro-American male authors in the theoretical canon of sociology […]

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