Month: December 2020

Write an essay stating your education and career goals and the reasons(s) for choosing your major.

Hello, so I’m applying for a Scholarship Essay provided by my college (Texas Tech University). There are three essays I need to write each having a limit of 2000 characters. I wanted to know if I can have the same person write each essay since they are very short or do I have to choose […]

Describe burden on government retirees and the lower valuation monetary valuation of their life in both insurance and government payouts.

-Describe how a person as a baby is assigned a $ amount by Insurance companies and Government Agencies ( I believe FEMA has a standard life valued at 9 million) please also issue other developed nations thoughts on this matter as well as Russia and Compare life value of a typical American vs a typical […]

Why is this an ethical dilemma? Which APA Ethical Principles help frame the nature of the dilemma?

Case 4. Research on Intimate Partner Violence and the Duty to Protect: Dr. Daniela Yeung, a health psychologist, has been conducting a federally funded ethnographic study of couples in which the male partner has been paroled following conviction and imprisonment for intimate partner violence (IPV). Over the course of a year, she has had individual […]

Explain and analyse any similarities and distinctions which the court found between Bernstein v Skyviews and the previous case, and the manner in which it influenced, or was distinguished in, Bernstein.

Word limits The word limit for this task is 1,500 words. Referencing Your work should draw on a range of appropriate sources. You should use the OSCOLA referencing system to support your work. Learning outcomes This assessment is intended to assess the achievement of the following Module Learning Outcomes: 1. Describe key legal institutions, key […]

Estimate the awareness of behavioral risk factors for cardiovascular diseases among university students in Makkah city.

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the major pervasive cause of mortality and morbidity in the world. They include ischemic heart disease, peripheral vascular diseases, pulmonary embolism, deep venous thrombosis, and others (1) (2). The prevalence of CVD is reported to range from 5.4% to 13.4% in the Middle East. in 2004, the prevalence of CVD reported […]

Tell us about a time where communication with a patient or colleague did not go well and what did you learn from these experiences?

Maximum 700 word personal letter that answers the following question: Tell us about a time where communication with a patient or colleague did not go well and a time when communication with a patient or colleague did go well. What did you learn from these experiences? Please do not share patient-identifying information. Letters longer than […]

How were the women enslaved, discriminated and were victims in this novel “The Portrayal of Women in Toni Morrison’s Beloved”?

The research paper should be about “The Portrayal of Women in Toni Morrison’s Beloved”. It should consist of three chapters (each chapter with at least two sections) plus an abstract, introduction, table of contents and conclusion. The focus should be on the portrayal of women how they were enslaved, discriminated and were victims in this […]

Discuss the benefits and challenges of Muslim Arbitration Tribunals operating in England and Wales.

One essay with one of the following titles 1. Discuss the benefits and challenges of Muslim Arbitration Tribunals operating in England and Wales. 2. “Manifestation of belief should be limited by the state”. Discuss in relation to Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights. 3. Does social media need to be regulated? 4. […]

Why did negotiating a Brexit agreement prove so difficult?

Brexit. Why did negotiating a Brexit agreement prove so difficult? Essay should be analytic rather than descriptive An introductory passage explaining the issue being addressed, and how the essay will be structured Address the essay question and be selective about the information you present Make theoretical points and use illustrations for presentations as well as […]

Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others. The orbicular, illuminating bulb of the Great savanna emblazes the lion’s den. Between the lions and lioness, crawls out the endearing cub. Preciously adoring and almost like a big furry kitten, but little does […]

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