Critically analyse the impact that the Shortt Report could have had on the Hillsborough Disaster if its recommendations had been implemented.

Critically analyse the impact that the Shortt Report could have had on the Hillsborough Disaster if its recommendations had been implemented.

You have a maximum of 1500 words with which to answer your chosen question. This does not include footnotes or your bibliography.

Include footnotes of the sources as you go along e.g if taking points from the short report put it in brackets after sentence (Shortt Report) and cite the full in bibliography

The purpose of this assessment is to determine whether you can analyse and apply the law to a range of controversial situations. Choose one of the questions. Use the work covered in the relevant week, the accompanying materials and further reading on the reading lists as a starting point for your research on these topics.

The maximum word length for this assessment is 1500. This does not include footnotes.

This assessment assesses the following Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO3: Evaluate the competing interests in sports law, policies and codes to support your conclusions.

LO4: Apply your knowledge and understanding of sports law, polices and debates to provide critical commentary on controversial and/or topical issues in sporting industry.

LO5: Provide practical, reasoned legal advice to real life sports law scenarios

 Critically analyse the impact that the Shortt Report could have had on the Hillsborough Disaster if its recommendations had been implemented.
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