Human rights and social sciences Diary writing Summative assessment will consist of a 4,000 word reading diary. This should reference at least 6 references recommended as module readings,and address the topics from at least 3weeks
.The diary needs an introduction and conclusion,which setout the argument you are making and how you are linking the references cited into a coherent whole.Please feel free to cite material not included on the reading list,and unconventional sourcese.g.YouTubevideos.Other form of creativity a real so encouraged texts more than once,for example returning to texts after the South Africa or York placements. But the basic requirements of 6 readings,across 3 weeks should be fulfilled. In constructing the summative assessment the criteria for marking are that the diary contains:
●A clear explanation as to why you have chosen the texts.
●An analytical discussion about how the readings a) relate to each other, and b) relate tothe core themes of the module.
●Consideration of whether the readings speak to previous study or practical experience
.●Where relevant, materials from beyond the course and beyond conventional academicand NGO texts e.g. blogs, You Tube videos, which illuminate your argument
.●An assessment of whether preparing or keeping notes for a reading diary contributed toyour learning? If so, how?
●The basic parameters of a strong piece of written work: an argument, a clear structure,and consistent referencing.How does a reading diary differ from an essay? Here are some pointers:
●A reading diary is a more personal and reflective document, with more use of the firstperson and reference to how readings did, or did not, inform your personal learning
.●The process of compiling a reading diary may differ from writing an essay, in that it couldbe written over a longer period of time. As such you could reflect on several readings ofthe same text (at the start of term, at the end; during your placements) and how theinsights gained differ over time and across place/space
.●You can be more creative in sources cited than is conventional in essays. For example,you could include visual material or class discussions or indeed private conversations.Did particular readings spark group discussions, and if so why?
●Although as noted before, a reading diary needs a ‘clear structure’, the structure doesnot have to follow the beginning-middle-end model of a conventional essay. As long asyou signpost the structure, and lead the reader through it, the structure can be morecreative too.
2.Body line
1.What role can human rights play in the struggle to combat COVID-19? What kinds ofrights discourse and practice is likely to be most effective?
2.What kinds of change is happening, and possible, from the local to the global levels,in the shadow of COVID-19?
3.How is COVID-19 generating new forms of resistance?>>>>>>>>>protest
4.How have states used COVID-19 as a cover for repressivemeasures?>>>>>>>>Farmers bill
5.How are the impacts and responses to COVID-19 being documented andresearched
These are compulsory reading from which u need to write a reflective diary writing based onthe above mentioned soul questions , the writing should match with my experinces asfrontline political leader of Indian National congress and how we supported migrant workersand others during pandemic by analysing “rights” and in this reflective piece give moreimportance to the rights and link it with india and how governmnet failed the people byannoucing a failed lockdown and how opposition states and parties helped people and howi helped people by starting 24/7 food bank at indian youth congress office in delhi other thanthe down reading u can use as many supporting readings or articles …. Focus more on the“rights” part and u can link with my experince of political leader