Discuss how there has been an increasing focus onpreparing educators to teach for social justice.

Conceptual or Theoretical FrameworkThis study differs from other studies as it addresses areas of research from a student centered approach and offers young people the opportunity to not only be heard, but become changeagents in a tumultuous time in history. Events like the death of George Floyd, Breanna Taylor,and others have moved this country’s efforts for social and political change faster than it has inthe last 50 years.

Protests, riots, and this country’s worst epidemic (COVID-19) has forced the country to look at change on every level including school systems across the country.These students will have an opportunity to change their futures and the futures of thosearound them because they will be able to discuss the relevance of having more Black male leaders in sub urban schools.

​Brown (2013) discusses how there has been an increasing focus onpreparing educators to teach for social justice. Black teachers have been highlighted for theirhistorical and present work with Black students, eliminating educational inequities seeminglythrough their race consciousness and activism. Having socially conscious Black administratorscould not only add their historical insight, but provide decisions that would impact studentlearning.

Classroom curriculum, disciplinary practices, and an overall cultural atmosphere wouldbe influenced by administrators who embody the change to which Black students could relate.​Currently, the school’s activities are run by a majority of their White peers withoutconsultation of the other groups on campus.

The academics that take place in the classroom isgiven to them without allowing any input from Black students or parent groups. This structuredoes not serve the needs for all students as this is not an inclusive model. This study willexamine the thoughts, feelings and the relationship that exists as a result of having a Black administrator on a suburban campus.

This study intends to look at education and the lack of African American leadership in the publicschool system. During the protest rallies for Breanna Taylor and George Floyd, many of them ovements seem to be dominated by the voice of young people. The media’s coverage of theseprotests across the country showcased the strength of young people and demonstrated howpowerful they can be when given the proper resources and when they are motivated. In highschools, Black administrators may have had an opportunity for dialogue that can teach, inspireyoung people to make informed decisions about how to uplift communities and create the changeneeded to inspire others. Brown [JH1] (2013) states that identity is a process that is grounded inhistory, yet unstable, unfixed, and always in flux. Having Black leaders can assist in pushing conversations in the direction of healing and growth.Reber (2011) says that equalizing school quality has been an important goal of policymakers,and the hope was that desegregation would improve the resources available in Black schools bytying their fate to that of whites.​ The reality is that as long as property taxes are tied in witheducation, public schools in low-income areas will always lack funding to compete with schools
where property taxes are greater.

Students in Benicia Unified School District have an economicstructure that is more affluent than their neighboring city of Vallejo, therefore students in Beniciawill have more resources than those of the city of Vallejo.​[JH2]These are the notes for you to follow [JH1]Please note that this section should be about the theoretical framework underpinning thisstudy. We are almost at the end of the section before any theory is mentioned.While everything you have included in this section is compelling, we are missing what thesection is really supposed to be about – theory or conceptual framework.I would suggest you move to the front of the section your theory work and add more to it whilealso maintaining the rest which is compelling. [JH2]Again, this should only be part of the Research Site section.You are not studying Benicia USD. Rather, your study is simply taking place there

Discuss how there has been an increasing focus onpreparing educators to teach for social justice.
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