Plan a globe storage plan to include corporate documentation, sensitive financials, employee records, user documents and departmental related documentation.

Scenario:  Using your Work Order Project scenario, comply with the following corporate policies.


  1. Establish separate data drives on the file server for storage of corporate documents and user documents, .
  2. All corporate and customer data must be kept secure. Separation of sensitive data is critical.  Only the appropriate groups can access information related to their roles on the network.
  3. Only managers within their appropriate departments will have the ability to delete data on storage systems.
  4. All USERS will have read – write access to their appropriate departmental documentation.
  5. Customers will only can view their personal information.  They must request changes / updates using the corporate web portal.
  6. Ensure that your storage plan is fully documented.


Tasks:  Plan a globe storage plan to include corporate documentation, sensitive financials, employee records, user documents and departmental related documentation.  You may need to include customer data storage in your plan.

You have been tasked to create a File Server to share resources according to corporate guidelines.   Each share must only allow users access to their respective departments and have the appropriate permissions. E.g. read, write, and change permissions.  Re-direct user documents to the User Documents partition on the file server. Setup disk quotas so that each user can only personally store up 100MB in their home directories.


In the Data Repository create the appropriate groups to apply permissions.


Department List:  Accounting, Human Resources, Legal, Corporate, IT, and Maintenance.


Scenario Based List:  Patient Financial Records, Customer Information, and Patient Medical Records, System Maintenance records, Equipment Maintenance records, Legal Briefs and Legal Documents.

Plan a globe storage plan to include corporate documentation, sensitive financials, employee records, user documents and departmental related documentation.
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