Day: December 9, 2020

xplain how transport of sediment affects the character of the sediment: size, sorting, angularity (and be able to explain each of these terms)

Explain how sedimentary rocks form Define weathering, list both categories of weathering and give examples of each For each weathering process, give its name, weathering type, explanation of the process and the end-products List factors that control the rate of weathering, including how physical weathering affects chemical weathering rates Define erosion and how does it […]

Why rocks melt at each setting (recall igneous processes)

explosive and flowing (“effusive”) eruptions: factors that determine the eruption type, and why/how products and hazards of eruptions, know and describe lava flows, pyroclastic deposits, pyroclastic flows, lahars Lava types and their “relative” temperature, silica content & viscosity: basaltic, andesitic, rhyolitic The architecture of a volcano: magma chamber, vents, fissures, crater Volcanic Landforms: For each […]

Submit your final 3000-3500 word research paper

This is a Political Science class and the paper needs to reflect that. We were not given specific instructions on what the paper needs to be about, but here is an example of correspondence between the professor and myself. 1) would like to tackle the Executive Orders topic. 2) would like to concentrate on the […]

Differentiate between extrusive (volcanic) and intrusive (plutonic) igneous rocks and processes

Differentiate between extrusive (volcanic) and intrusive (plutonic) igneous rocks and processes Igneous Rocks: texture and composition Terms to describe magma/igneous rock composition Igneous Rock textures Know the igneous rocks by felsic/intermediate/mafic and phaneritic/aphanitic (the 6 main rocks = granite, diorite, gabbro, rhyolite, andesite, basalt) Definition, composition, and classification of magma/lava Situations that can cause a […]

The lack of status is evident in Dickinson’s satirization of human behaviors as you point out. However, make the connection among these ideas clear.

For the final research paper, you can build off of the paper you started just add the additional 5 sources and the additional 5 pages. attached the instructions for the final research paper as well as the paper you wrote. will also paste the professor’s feedback on that original analysis so you can use this […]

Write a research paper on the roles of data analytics in the IoT

1)Assignment should be plagiarism free and should be of  level high quality.(that’s what Im paying for) 2) For this assignment (1150 words max excluding references) , Our approach should be : 1)Analyse and cover all points provided in question document. 2)Use enough references/citations to illustrate ur points (use 12+ sources if possible) 3)Use many different […]

Why are magmas produced by partial melting more felsic than the source rock?

True or False: Climate change and warming average global temperatures will result in glacial retreat?  Explain your answer using the glacial budget. Some continental crust rocks are almost 4.2 billion years old. Meanwhile, the oldest seafloor rocks are only about 180 million years old. Why do we not find older seafloor rocks? Is melt all […]

Write about 1-page reflections of your thoughts for each file separately.

Write about 1-page reflections of your thoughts for each file separately. there are 4 files for reading in order 01~04. you should write 4 pages in total. Sure you can put all 4 together as 1 long document and marked. citation is not required. there are no other specific requirements, do the best you can.

Calculate the distance of the roller coaster if the average speed of your rollercoaster is 40m/s.

Use a clean sheet of copy paper to complete the following tasks to write your report on your Roller Coaster Design. Label each part clearly. Your work MUST be neat, organized and must appear professional. Draw a rough sketch of your “roller coaster” ride on a coordinate plane. Note: Be sure to illustrate your x-axis […]

Perform any alternative data analyses that you think are more appropriate and more enlightening. Tell why you did these alternative analyses.

YOUR TASK IS TO ADDRESS THE FOLLOWING (in essay [full sentences, paragraphs] form). What are the mistakes (if any) did TO make in his experiment? (If any) In his data analysis? (If any) In his conclusions? What should he have done differently? Concluded differently? Perform any alternative data analyses that you think are more appropriate […]

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