Produce a detailed technical written research report of at least 1000 words on the FMEA risk assessment methodology for a specific application of the activity in Task 1. Finally write a short note on how sustainability and ethics can be applied to Safety Engineering Management.The report must emphasize on importance of safety engineering, identifying potential hazards, highlight the risks involved and mitigation measures. Describe in full what the consequences are for the management failing to abide by the legislation and regulation and carrying out their roles and responsibilities.Expressalsothehumanfactorsthatmayadverselyimpacttheeffectiveness,efficiency and safety of the operation and maintenance aspects of the engineering activities. Present the activitiesandtoolsconnectedwithprojectmanagementforeffectiveandefficientconductionofyour projectwithaGanttchartofhowyouplannedandmanagedyouractivityTakeintoconsiderationthe following key features (refer to the attached rubric for standard expectation of the report quality):The report should have a clear structure using right format and paying attention to English grammar and composition and essentially have the following headings:1.ExecutiveSummary2.Introduction3.MainBody
Executive summaryalso called as Abstract of your report. Introduction: Briefly describe the purpose of your report.Main body: refer to the task section and address all the bullet points listed there. Conclusion: Summarize your work and report the key findings of the assessment. To explain and make the point clear you may include pictures and tables wherever necessary. You should pay special attention to references or bibliograp